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Gender Inequality: An Experience From Indian States

Author(s) Dr. Keshab Chandra Mandal
Country India
Abstract Women form the half of human capital and they are the greatest assets of any country who require equal treatment and earning opportunities for ending poverty in all its forms and ensuring gender equality. Different research studies show that women work double than men and contribute doubly in the economy, but still they are treated as second class citizens and are discriminated in social, economic and political spheres. It is also a fact that, in almost all the society’s women’s rights are suppressed and their human rights are violated. Moreover, they fail to enjoy the fruits of development. The building of India as a nation would not be realized if the fifty per cent of its population remains confined within the kitchens and mere household chores. The progress and development of a country is judged by the rate of participation and position of women in academic, economic, political and social fields. But, the rate of unemployment, social exclusion, political discrimination and high vulnerability of women has made India poorer and medium developed country in the global development indicators. Besides, out of all poor people women are the poorest throughout the globe, and India is not an exception. Though India has made astounding economic growth and tremendous progress in science, technology, infrastructure, and research and innovation; the overall status and position of women still speaks a sorry state of affairs. How far Indian growth story is real and what are the constraints standing in the way of gender equality, a research study was undertaken with the financial assistance from the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) in three Indian states. On the basis of the empirical research, this paper seeks to highlight the inequality of women in social, political and economic spheres, and further intends to plug the loopholes by extending some concrete policy prescriptions.
Keywords human capital, economic growth, gender equality
Published In Volume 1, Issue 7, October 2020
Published On 2020-10-05
Cite This Gender Inequality: An Experience From Indian States - Dr. Keshab Chandra Mandal - IJLRP Volume 1, Issue 7, October 2020.

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