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E-ISSN: 2582-8010     Impact Factor: 9.56

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Juvenile Justice System In India

Author(s) Rishab Jakhar
Country India
Abstract The juvenile justice system in India, is one of the most important areas of law making, for it impacts the very backbone, and the future of the nation, the children. The juvenile system is India started its journey from the British Raj, however, it reached a consolidated stage by the Juvenile Justice Act of 1986, which was repealed in by the 2000 Act which subsequently came be replaced by the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2015. This study aims to give an insight into the development of the juvenile justice system in India with emphasis on the Act of 2015. Further, to give a better understanding of the scenario, a clear analysis has been made between the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2015 and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Amendment Act 2021. The article also gives instances of prominent cases of the juvenile justice system which gave rise to the law as we know it. This research is a holistic study on the juvenile justice system of India and its present stage.
Keywords Juvenile, Children in conflict with law, Child in need of care and protection
Published In Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2022
Published On 2022-11-09
Cite This Juvenile Justice System In India - Rishab Jakhar - IJLRP Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2022.

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