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E-ISSN: 2582-8010     Impact Factor: 9.56

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Mandatory Retirement And Age, Race, And Gender Diversity Of University Faculties

Author(s) Dr. B. R. Bishnoi
Country India
Abstract While many have documented the changing demographics of universities, under- standing the effects of prohibiting mandatory retirement (“uncapping”) has proved challenging. We digitize detailed directories of all American law school faculty from 1971–2017 and show that uncapping in 1994 had dramatic effects. From 1971 to 1993, the percent of faculty above 70—when mandatory retirement would typically have been triggered—remained stable at 1%, but starting in 1994, that proportion increased to 14%. We use a permutation test of moving cohorts to show that these increases are attributable to uncapping. Roughly 39% of faculty members would counterfactually have been subject to mandatory retirement. Effects were less pronounced at public schools, which were more likely to have defined bene- fits retirement plans. Second, we show that schools with the highest proportion of faculty over 70, and thus most impacted by uncapping, also exhibit the slowest inte- gration of female and minority faculty members. Our study highlights crosscutting effects of civil rights laws: preventing age discrimination can have collateral effects on racial and gender integration.
Keywords Retirement, Faculties, Demographics, Uncapping, Age, Race, Gender, effects
Field Sociology
Published In Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2021
Published On 2021-10-09
Cite This Mandatory Retirement And Age, Race, And Gender Diversity Of University Faculties - Dr. B. R. Bishnoi - IJLRP Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2021.

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