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E-ISSN: 2582-8010     Impact Factor: 9.56

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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Ecology And Population Genetics Studies Of Alnus Nepalensis In Sub-Himalayan West Bengal And Sikkim

Author(s) Dr. Sanghati Bhattacharya
Country India
Abstract Alnus nepalensis, an actinorhizal plant, is an excellent example of successional plant found as early visitor of the landslide regions. Our present study includes a through survey of A. nepalensis in sub Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim. The total study area was divided into three sections keeping in mind about the vehicle-route of Darjeeling and Gangtok. Soil from the bottom of collected A. nepalensis plants were taken during field visit to estimate the soil nutrients present within it. Analysis of soil nutrient revealed that extremely variable soil nutrient but with slightly high soil carbon was found to favour the growth of A. nepalensis in studied region. Germplasm collected from specified area were used for population genetics study. PCR followed by data analysis through coefficient matrix revealed that entire population of A. nepalensis has segregated depending on their geographical distribution and in this respect river Teesta act as geographical barrier for dispersal of germplasm.
Keywords Alnus nepalensis, Population genetics, Actinorhizal, Ecology
Published In Volume 1, Issue 8, November 2020
Published On 2020-11-08
Cite This Ecology And Population Genetics Studies Of Alnus Nepalensis In Sub-Himalayan West Bengal And Sikkim - Dr. Sanghati Bhattacharya - IJLRP Volume 1, Issue 8, November 2020.

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