• ISSN NO : 2582-8010

Dr. Fahad Khan


Dr. Fahad Khan

Assistant Professor

About Me

Highly motivated and innovative biotechnologist with specialization in animal cell culture, cancer biology, phytomedicine and molecular biology. Expertise in the development and execution of cellular and gene expression-based research methods. Experienced in managing multiple projects simultaneously. Effective communicator and teacher that can conceptualize complex biological to audiences with varied expertise.

  • Qualification
    • M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Department
    • Cancer Biology
  • Institute Name
    • Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
  • Email
    • fahadkhan.bio@niet.co.in
  • Institute Website
  • Country
    • India


More than Five Years of experience in Research and Teaching with some major achievements including: 

1. Awarded Project grant of 3 Lacs under CRIP Programme of TEQIP III from AKTU, Lucknow.
2.  Worked as Senior Research Fellow under UP-CST sponsored project for 3 years.
3. Appointed as Bentham Ambassador by Bentham Science Publishers.

4. 8 Weeks Certificate Course (Feb-April, 2019) on Cell culture Technologies by NPTEL Online Certification Programme.
5. Life Member of Swadeshi Science Movement, Delhi, Society for Biotechnologists India and Indian Association of Science Congress

Fahad Khan, Pratibha Pandey, Rashmi Mishra, Asif Jafri, Mohd Arif, Ambuj Kumar & Rupa
Mazumder. Elucidation of S-allylcysteine role in inducing apoptosis by inhibiting PD-L1
expression in human lung cancer cells (Under Review in Anticancer Agents in Medicinal
 Fahad Khan, Pratibha Pandey, Niraj K Jha, Asif Jafri & Irfan Khan. (2020). Antiproliferative
effect of Moringa oleifera methanolic leaf extract by down-regulation of Notch signaling in DU145
prostate cancer cell. Gene Reports.
 Pratibha Pandey, Fahad Khan, Mishra, R., & Singh, S. K. (2020). Elucidation of the potential of
Moringa oleifera leaves extract as a potent alternate to the chemical coagulant in water treatment
process. Water Environment Research.
 Fahad Khan, Pratibha Pandey, Tarun Kumar Upadhyay, Asif Jafri, Niraj Kumar Jha, Rashmi
Mishra, Vineeta Singh. Anti-cancerous Effect of Rutin against HPV-C33A Cervical Cancer Cells
via G0/G1 Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptotic Induction. Endocrine Metabolic and Immune
Disorders-Drug Targets (2019). (Accepted for Publication)
 Fahad Khan, Vipendra K. Singh, Mohd Saeed, Mohd A. Kausar, Irfan A. Ansari. Carvacrol
Induced Program Cell Death and Cell Cycle Arrest in Androgen-Independent Human Prostate
Cancer Cells via Inhibition of Notch Signaling. Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (2019),
19(13):1588 – 1608.
 Pratibha Pandey, Rashmi Mishra, Niraj Kumar Jha, Shweta Sharma, Fahad Khan*. An in silico
studyon plant-derived inhibitors against a prognostic Biomarker, Jab1. International Journal of
Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(2), 1058-1061.
 Fahad Khan, Imran Khan, Arshi Farooqui, and Irfan A. Ansari. "Carvacrol Induces Reactive
Oxygen Species (ROS)-mediated Apoptosis Along with Cell Cycle Arrest at G0/G1 in Human
Prostate Cancer Cells." Nutrition and cancer 69.7 (2017): 1075-1087.
 Jafri, Asif, Shabana Bano, Juhi Rais, Fahad Khan, Neelam Shivnath, A. K. Sharma, and Md
Arshad. "Phytochemical screening of Sterculia foetida seed extract for anti-oxidant, anti-microbial
activity, and detection of apoptosis through reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation,
mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) decrease, and nuclear fragmentation in human
osteosarcoma cells." Journal of Histotechnology (2019): 1-12.
 Farooqui, Arshi, Fahad Khan, Imran Khan, and Irfan A. Ansari. "Glycyrrhizin induces reactive
oxygen species-dependent apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at G 0/G 1 in HPV18+ human cervical
cancer HeLa cell line." Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 97 (2018): 752-764.
 Imran Khan, Fahad Khan, Arshi Farooqui, and Irfan A. Ansari. “Andrographolide exhibits
anticancer potential against human colon cancer cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and programmed
cell death via augmentation of intracellular reactive oxygen species level.” Nutrition and Cancer
 Khan, Imran, Irfan A. Ansari, Pratichi Singh, J. Febin Prabhu Dass, and Fahad Khan.
"Identification and characterization of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Axin
1 gene: a molecular dynamics approach." Cell biochemistry and biophysics (2017): 1-13